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I've been painting for over 30 years

Maybe like me, you've wanted to do something creative with your life.


I began painting my third series and had my first show in La Jolla, California, in the early 1990's. Photos of me and my best friend, Diana, wearing our balloon hats, and the Zebra, Cat, and Cow Houses below are from that festive gala. I introduced my Magical House Paintings from the series "Shelter on the Grid" which includes my works: “Endangered Shelters, the California Bungalow."


They are available as giclees on canvas and can be reproduced in many sizes.

Four Magical Houses displayed on the wall at Amber's ART show in La Jolla,, California.
Amber and Diana wewaring balloon hats at Amber's ART show in La Jolla,, California.
Amber studying a large, colorful Gerhardt Richter painting at SFMOMA.
Amber looking at a Frank Stella oil and enamel painting at the de Young Museum in San Francisco.

I LOVE visiting the SFMOMA and standing in front of the large paintings. 


The massive colourful piece is by Gerhardt Richter and the dark work is by Frank Stella, which was showing at the de Young Museum in Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. It is intriguing and is made with oil and enamel on canvas.


I paint because I LOVE working with texture and colour to create beauty.


You may already know my story; I painted and studied ART for over three decades while working alongside my husband and business partner designing and building award-winning sustainable and energy-efficient custom homes. Now it’s my time. I get to create beauty full-time.


Working with texture and metallics is where I’ve arrived after working with so many intriguing styles.


I call the new metallic abstract paintings with texture “Jewelry For Your Walls” because they sparkle in sunlight and under halogen lights, they glow in candlelight. They change throughout the day as the light changes. Just seeing them from different angles changes how they shine.


I hope you fall in love with my work the same way that I do. I want to share beauty, peace, and love.


I run a sustainable studio. I filter the water I use with my paints to reduce sediment and use as little as possible. I minimize the use of products that pollute the water or air.


Welcome to my online gallery, feel free to contact me, and most importantly, enjoy!


Thanks and Lots of Love

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